Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki

Theodore Green
Child of the Maze
Owned by: Merlin1119

"You can't get lost if you never knew where you were going in the first place."
  If someone met Theo and had to guess who is godly parent was, most people would probably guess Hermes, because chances are if you know this kid, you have been pranked by him at least once. You either love Theo, or hate him. He gets a laugh out of other people’s screw ups and is kind of sadistic in that way, but some people think he is sarcastic, hilarious, witty. If you don't find him though, you will probably just think he's a bully. But in reality, he has some major insecurities about his sexuality, his family, and his life. Unlike many children of Ariadne, he loves confusing people and giving them wrong directions. He suffers from ADHD and Dyslexia, but his street smarts are way beyond average. Like his dad, he has memorized all the New York City streets and alleys, as well as the subway lines. Theo is a partier and a cheater, always trying to find the easy way out, even if it is at other's expense. He does have a soft and caring side, but it’s hard to reach. However, if someone can get that close to him, he'll lay down his life for theirs. In battle, he is not a great fighter at all, and relies on the few powers he taught himself to use and his deception tactics and street smarts. Theo hates his mother, and the idea of being a demigod, but takes full advantage of his powers, using them creatively in all sorts of situations, even when you would never expect it.

  Davis Green’s dream job was one that any other man would have thought easy to get and would have seen it as undesirable, but it was all Davis would want to do. He wanted to work underground in the sewers of New York City, in order to help the city as a whole. But he walked with a limp, and because of this, they refused to hire him. But Davis was so passionate about New York City, that he wouldn't give up trying to get the government to hire him for something at least slightly related to construction. He tried to see if they would hire him to help fix train tracks when they broke. They refused, but he didn’t give up. He took architecture classes at a college, learned everything he could about trains and engineering, and even spent three years memorizing the entire sewer system, subway tracks (even the abandoned ones), and railroad tracks in New York City. When he told them how much he had memorized, the city realized his dedication to the cause and made him project manager for a new subway line. His knowledge of the city and his new job attracted the attention of Ariadne. She would disguise herself as a female construction worker on his team under the false name Lila Sampson. After two or three dates, he took her back to his apartment and they ended up sleeping together.

The next morning, Davis woke up to find Lila gone. He only became concerned about her when she was not at work the next day. Or the next. Or the next. Until she returned five months later, to the work site, with a baby in her arms. Davis looked at her like she was insane. “Why would you bring a baby here? Where have you been for the past five months?” Ariadne then took Davis to the side and explained that she was a Greek goddess, that the baby was their son and a demigod whom she named Theodore, and that she couldn't stay because it was forbidden. Ariadne gave Davis a round golden pin, with lines engraved that formed a miniature maze within the pin, and told him to give Theodore the pin when he turned thirteen.

Theo was a shy kid, never really feeling like he fit in. Ever since elementary school, he could always be found in corners of the school, and was often found wandering the hallways without permission. At the age of six, he had memorized the entire school’s layout, from hallways and classrooms to janitor’s closets. Theo was a mischievous kid even from a young age, constantly figuring out ways to eavesdrop on teachers’ conversations, and would even play pranks on them. When Theo was eight, he was “line leader” and the teacher had left to use the bathroom, so he convinced the class that he was in charge, and led the whole class out onto the playground. Because his dad worked in construction and wasn't around much, Theo would walk home from school by himself and sometimes lose his keys, so he knew how to pick a lock. He picked the lock on the playground fence and he and his class played on the playground. When the teacher found them, she looked panicked, and when she found out Theo initiated it, she sent him straight to the principal’s office. More and more of these incidents kept happening over the years, and by the time Theo was twelve, he had been sent to the principal, and received more detentions and suspensions than you could count. It wasn't that Theo was a troubled or a bad kid, he just liked to have a good laugh, and this was his kind of humor.

At age thirteen, while out on one of his eavesdropping trips around the halls, he overheard the assistant principal talking to a man in her office, and heard her tell him she loved him. When he walked out and it wasn't her husband, Theo thought it would be funny to announce on the loudspeaker that she was having an affair as a joke. However, when this fact turned out to be true, Theo was expelled from school for eavesdropping on and humiliating the assistant principal. Theo’s dad would have cared, but was too busy working on a new subway track that stretched from uptown to Brooklyn to be worried about his son. His father is much too invested in his work and never saw taking care of Theo as a priority.

The only real conversation Theo had with his father before he left  for reform school, when Davis gave Theo the pin passed down to him by Ariadne. Because he was off to boarding school, Davis told his son that his mother was a goddess, and when Theo didn't believe him, he told him to press the pin. He did, and the pin’s engraving lit up and two dual swords appeared in his hands.

Theo wore his pin every day at reform school, now that he knew what was really out there. However, he didn't know that this would make him more prone to monster attacks. In reform school, Theo was a saint compared to some of the other kids (I mean, the school was said to be for “troubled teens”). Most of the kids he met there were druggies, had robbed banks, or had some sort of emotional problem. He realized he didn't belong in a place like this, and asked to call his father to see if he could come home. His dad said no other place would take him, so Theo made the best of his experience, using his street smarts to get him through day to day life at school, and keeping himself busy by playing pranks on the teachers, therapists, social workers, guards (yes, the school had guards), and the other students to keep himself entertained and happy. If he had ADHD or Dyslexia they went undiagnosed, as Theo was too busy pranking people to attend any classes. Most of the kids at the boarding school either loved him or hated him, because of his pranks. The one class Theo attended was the World History and Mythology class, in order to learn as much about who his mother was as he could. He was only able to find a few myths on her, and nothing that really gave him a sense of what she was like. However he did figure out that she named him after the man who was her first love, Theseus of Athens, and didn't even tell his father who she was really naming him after. When he found this out, he realized she didn't truly love his father, which made him quite upset.

When Theo was fourteen, he was walking behind a heavier girl who had tattoos all over her arm, and thought to himself how funny it would be to see her trip. He wasn't really sure what happened, but all the sudden, a string appeared around her legs from thin air, tying her feet together, and she fell on her face with a thud. Theo started cracking up, wondering how it was possible, when he remembered the myth about his mother and the minotaur. He assumed he did it subconsciously, and patted himself on the back. He tried to conjure the string again later in his dorm room, but couldn't do it. He spent the next week trying to figure out how to conjure and manipulate the string, and with practice, got better.

At the end of the week, he experienced his first monster attack. He would later discover that his pin not only could transform into swords, but would have the power to ward monsters away from Theo by making them think they are caught in a labyrinth until Theo would begin to have minor control over his powers, much like a protective charm that wears off when one can fend for themselves. (this effect wears off once Theo uses his powers on the first hellhounds) He was in his dorm room, when two hellhounds appeared. Theo pressed the pin he got from his mom and the two swords appeared in his hands. He swung them at one of the hellhounds, and conjured a string to tie the other one’s legs together long enough for him to finish off the first one. Just as the other hellhound bit through the string, Theo was running over to kill it. He swung blindly at the hellhound, not really sure what he was doing. The hellhound charged, but Theo decapitated it with a swift slice of his sword. He called his dad, and told him what had happened. His dad came to pick him up the next morning, but was never very close with his son, and felt it wasn't his place to tell him to do anything, so he did not make Theo go to Camp Half Blood. Theo decided to stay in New York City.

For the next two years, he was "homeschooled" (even though his father never taught him much), not so much learning how to fight but more of sitting at home while his father worked he used this time to teach himself how to control his demigod powers, but had nobody to teach him told hold a sword. His dad just wanted him close by so he wouldn’t die. Theo became known as the go to guy in town for anything you needed to have a good time. He made his own money through his innate knowledge of the streets of New York City, his street smarts, and his prankster mind, selling everything from fake IDs to supplying people maps of bank vaults to anyone who asked for it. Theo was able to find anything for anyone, and retrieve it successfully every time, whether through stealth, his knowledge of the streets, or by simply summoning a labyrinth wall in between him and his pursuer. Theo himself was not a bad kid though, never drinking, smoking, or doing any other drugs. He was however, quite a successful thief, not that he needed the money or goods, but they were definitely luxuries he couldn’t turn down. He did this while out of boarding school as well, and was good at it. He used his knowledge of the streets and innate knowledge of pathways to rob all kinds of stores and escape from situations where he should have been cornered.

A year after he got back from reform school, a harpy found him in central park, just as inexperienced with combat as a year before, but much more strategic and more in control of his powers. He escaped the harpy by going down a manhole right outside central park. The harpy was unabel to follow do to its large wingspan.Theo then continued on with his life. A year later, he was attacked by two more hellhounds, which he dealt with by using the same strategy he did for his first enounter with hallhounds, tying up the first one while he deal with the other.Then, he stabbed  the other hellhound in the back with his dual swords. It was at this point, he and his father decided he should head to Camp Half Blood. Afraid of any more monster aattacks, Theo navigated his way through the sewer system in order to stay hidden from monsters, as the smell of sewage would prevent monsters from tracking his demigod scent. Although it took him two days to get to camp, he went into the sewer originally with food and water, and made it there safely.

Basic Info
Full Name: Theodore Davis
Titles: Child of the Maze
Current Location: Camp Half Blood
Affiliation(s): Camp Half Blood, Himself
Current Status: Healthy
Relationship Status: Single
Born or Created On: November 12, 1998
Current Age: 18
Species: Demigod
Nationality: American
Sexuality: Gay
Accent: New York
OOC Plans & Info
Owned By: Merlin1119
Inspiration Behind Creation:  
Love Interests Char/Owner:  
Active RP's:
Created Page On: April 11, 2015
Page Last Updated On: May 13, 2015
3/6/9 Month Powers: None yet
Word Bubble
Theo Green ~ Son of Ariadne

"Passion is a narcotic. Too little, and your life can be quite painful. Too much, and it will take over your life."
Character's Bio

 Age: 16  Height: 6'1"  Weight: 160
 Sexuality: Gay  Relationship Status: Single
  Main Weapon: Two dual swords disguised as a pin
 Accent: New York
 – "If only life was like a maze, where if you mess up, you can turn back around. But It's not. So It's a good thing I don't mess up."

Character's Powers

 3/6/9 month powers unlocked


  1. Children of Ariadne have the ability to cause someone to believe that they are trapped inside a labyrinth, disrupting their senses into seeing anything else for a short time. While under its effect, they become more vulnerable to attacks.
  2. Children of Ariadne, while a labyrinth is summoned, have the ability to create 1 to 3 lesser monsters (those classified as “easy” in the Monster Encyclopedia) nearby them within it; these monsters, however, will not be controlled and will attack anyone they see.


  1. Children of Ariadne have the ability to create a large portion of a labyrinth wall to protect themselves until it corrodes after a short time. The walls can be created at all directions to create an absolute defense, but drains more energy from the user. Conversely, this can be used to imprison enemies.
  2. Children of Ariadne can cause a person to feel/be lost, as if they don’t know how to reach their desired destination and wander off aimlessly which may induce distress, confusion and loss of concentration, for a short time. The effect can be used on a larger number of people, but drains more energy.


  1. Children of Ariadne have the innate ability to find their way through/around any sort of puzzle, maze or obstacle without any aid, as if they have a psychic compass within them. They are also able to perceive any kind of hidden obstruction, trap or dead-end within a 10 meter radius around them.
  2. Children of Ariadne have the innate ability to see in multiple directions at once, allowing their senses of sight to become more finely attuned to their surroundings.


  1. Children of Ariadne have the ability to create a real labyrinth which traps anyone inside it for a short time. The user has total control over the creation, such as altering and closing its walls or even expand the maze at any time. However, a larger maze will consume more energy from the user. The maze has a roof over it and cannot be teleported out of.
  2. Children of Ariadne can conjure a very durable wool string that can be used to navigate around a place, mislead or ensnare victims, bind or strangle enemies, hold or suspense things firmly, weave fine cloth or in any way possible. The longer the string, the more energy it drains. The string can also be conjured from the ground or from any surface.
  3. Children of Ariadne can increase or decrease a person's passions, whether the purpose is to weaken one’s will to fight, or to motivate them to do a certain hobby or to love, etc. The longer this state is maintained, the more energy is drained from the user.
  4. Children of Ariadne are able to teleport themselves through the mazes they created. The further the distance traveled, the more energy drained.

3 Months After Character is Made[]

  1. Children of Ariadne have the ability to construct paths out of materials found around them that they can use to take them anywhere (up into the air, over trees, etc.) but as they move along the path, the path behind them slowly corrodes. The longer they use the energy required to make a path, the more they are drained.

6 Months After Character is Made[]

  1. Children of Ariadne have the ability to enchant a localized location into becoming an illogical, yet illusory, maze which traps anyone inside it. With this ability, the user can cause a building’s passageways to lead somewhere else such as an upstairs flight lead to the basement, a closet room lead to the rooftop, lead a door back to itself, and so on and so forth. The larger the area of effect and the longer it is held, the more it drains the user.

9 Months After Character is Made[]

  1. Children of Ariadne have the ability to materialize a shadowy form of the Minotaur into existence which is capable of both fighting and dying under their control, in a sense; afterwards, it will vanish and drains the user extensively. However, the Minotaur conjured is weaker than its real counterpart would be.


  1. Children of Ariadne have an excellent sense of direction, and are able to navigate and locate any location with ease, rarely getting lost.
  2. Children of Ariadne are typically willing to help others, even to strangers.

Owned by: Merlin ~ Posted on:

3/6/9 Month Powers Unlocked


  1. Children of Ariadne have the ability to cause someone to believe that they are trapped inside a labyrinth, disrupting their senses into seeing anything else for a short time. While under its effect, they become more vulnerable to attacks.
  2. Children of Ariadne, while a labyrinth is summoned, have the ability to create 1 to 3 lesser monsters (those classified as “easy” in the Monster Encyclopedia) nearby them within it; these monsters, however, will not be controlled and will attack anyone they see.


  1. Children of Ariadne have the ability to create a large portion of a labyrinth wall to protect themselves until it corrodes after a short time. The walls can be created at all directions to create an absolute defense, but drains more energy from the user. Conversely, this can be used to imprison enemies.
  2. Children of Ariadne can cause a person to feel/be lost, as if they don’t know how to reach their desired destination and wander off aimlessly which may induce distress, confusion and loss of concentration, for a short time. The effect can be used on a larger number of people, but drains more energy.


  1. Children of Ariadne have the innate ability to find their way through/around any sort of puzzle, maze or obstacle without any aid, as if they have a psychic compass within them. They are also able to perceive any kind of hidden obstruction, trap or dead-end within a 10 meter radius around them.
  2. Children of Ariadne have the innate ability to see in multiple directions at once, allowing their senses of sight to become more finely attuned to their surroundings.


  1. Children of Ariadne have the ability to create a real labyrinth which traps anyone inside it for a short time. The user has total control over the creation, such as altering and closing its walls or even expand the maze at any time. However, a larger maze will consume more energy from the user. The maze has a roof over it and cannot be teleported out of.
  2. Children of Ariadne can conjure a very durable wool string that can be used to navigate around a place, mislead or ensnare victims, bind or strangle enemies, hold or suspense things firmly, weave fine cloth or in any way possible. The longer the string, the more energy it drains. The string can also be conjured from the ground or from any surface.
  3. Children of Ariadne can increase or decrease a person's passions, whether the purpose is to weaken one’s will to fight, or to motivate them to do a certain hobby or to love, etc. The longer this state is maintained, the more energy is drained from the user.
  4. Children of Ariadne are able to teleport themselves through the mazes they created. The further the distance traveled, the more energy drained.

3 Months After Character is Made[]

  1. Children of Ariadne have the ability to construct paths out of materials found around them that they can use to take them anywhere (up into the air, over trees, etc.) but as they move along the path, the path behind them slowly corrodes. The longer they use the energy required to make a path, the more they are drained.

6 Months After Character is Made[]

  1. Children of Ariadne have the ability to enchant a localized location into becoming an illogical, yet illusory, maze which traps anyone inside it. With this ability, the user can cause a building’s passageways to lead somewhere else such as an upstairs flight lead to the basement, a closet room lead to the rooftop, lead a door back to itself, and so on and so forth. The larger the area of effect and the longer it is held, the more it drains the user.

9 Months After Character is Made[]

  1. Children of Ariadne have the ability to materialize a shadowy form of the Minotaur into existence which is capable of both fighting and dying under their control, in a sense; afterwards, it will vanish and drains the user extensively. However, the Minotaur conjured is weaker than its real counterpart would be.


  1. Children of Ariadne have an excellent sense of direction, and are able to navigate and locate any location with ease, rarely getting lost.
  2. Children of Ariadne are typically willing to help others, even to strangers.
Skills & Weapons
Special Skills: His ability to read people very well and predict how they will react
Preferred Weapon: Dual celestial bronze swords
Strengths: his demigod powers, his slight of hand, his deception tactics, guerrilla type combat
Weaknesses: Hand to hand combat
Quests/Missions Led: None
Quests/Missions Been On: The Quest to save the Fountain of Youth

"I didn't run away, I simply tricked you into running the wrong way."
Possessions & Favourite Things
Pets: None

Likes: Pranking people
Dislikes: Boring people, school
Colour: Green
Music: Pop
Food: French Toast
Animal: Squirrels
Book: None
Quote: "So let me get this straight. You're lost, so you are going to ask random stranger for help and just hope they lead you in the right direction?"
Drink: Water
Song: Anything by Kesha
Movie: American Pie
Sport: Tennis and squash
Other Favs:
Appearance & More Images
Model: Jordan Ver Hoeve
Gender: Male
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Blond
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 160lbs
Ethnicity: American
Handedness: Right handed
Shoe Size: 10 1/2
Blood Type: A+
Voice: Loud
Distinguishing Marks: None
Body Style: Athletic
One Word to Describe: Opportunistic
Best Physical Trait: Body
Worst Physical Trait: Feet
Mental/Emotional State: Stable
Things to Change: Acts out, humiliating other people
Mental/Emotional disorders: ADHD
Medical Problems/Ailments: None


Family & Childhood Info
Mother: Ariadne
Father: Davis Green
Creator: Davis Green and Ariadne
Half-Siblings: Ariadne's Cabin
Full-Siblings: None
Other Relatives: None
Home: The streets of New York City
Earliest Memory: Unplugging his kindergarten teacher's computer.
Best Memory: Body
Schooling: Reform School
First Kiss: Jake Robson
First Love: None
First Sex: Jacob Evans
Other Firsts:

General Info
Nicknames: Theo
Native Language: English
Character Flaw: Finds humor in other people's humiliation, embarrassment, pain, etc.
Fears/Phobias: Humiliation, losing
Hobbies: Throwing a tennis ball against a wall
Personal Motto: "Other people are hilarious. But only because I make them a laughingstock."
Things He Won't Do: Meet someone and not prank or play a trick on them.
Most Admires: Himself
Most Influenced By: Himself
Moral Compass: Doesn't really have one. Sort of changes depends on his mood.
Most Important Person Before: Himself
Most Important Person Now: Himself
Reacts to Crises:  Ignoring them until he can't any longer
Faces Their Problems: Strategically
Reacts to Change: Acts out, humiliating other people
Alignment: Himself
Dream Job: Doesn't want a job
Current Job: Doesn't have one
"Your life is a labyrinth. And I'm throwing dead ends and a hell of a lot of monsters right into it"
Vices: Deceiving people and laughing at others' humiliation
Bad Habits: Pranking people
Sleeping Habits: Heavy, but doesn't snore
Quirks: Plays with a string he summons with his powers when bored
Attitude: Mischievous, sly, obnoxious, sarcastic
Special Talents: Lying, pranking, memorization, pickpocketing, basic parkour
Social Skills: Seems quite extroverted, as he is quite loud, however he opens himself up to VERY few people.
Other Info
Most at Ease When?: Escaping being chased by someone he knows can't catch him
Main Priorities: Train hard enough to be able to go back to New York, pranking as many people as he can in the process
Past Failures: Getting expelled from school
Biggest Accomplishment: Announcing the assistant principal's secret affair to his entire school over the loudspeaker
Darkest Secret?: He struggles with the fact that he is attractive and girls always want to date him, feeling awkward, never knowing how to respond, or how to address talking to a guy he likes
Secret Known by Anyone?: No
Personal Tragedy: Finding out his mother named him after her first love from centuries ago and didn't truly love his father
One Wish: To one day pull a prank on the president and not get caught
Relationship Info
Ever Cheated? Yes
Relates to Others? Decently
Perceived by Strangers: An ass
Perceived by Lover: Passionate, but doesn't open up easily
Perceived by Friends: Hilarious jokester, but he has some issues.
Perceived by Family: Troubled kid
First Impression: Depends on your personality. Anywhere from fun and comical to an ass.
Family/Friends Like Most? N/A
Family/Friends Like Least? N/A

Davis Green

There is a lot of tension between Theo and his father. Saying that he loves his father is really pushing it. He hasn't seen his father in years, and doesn't plan on seeing him anytime soon. Davis was always ashamed of Theo slightly. Theo doesn't talk about his father, and if he does, it is with only those who he truly trusts, and only for a brief moment if he feels he has to. He and his father have opposing values, his father working hard for everything he had in his working class job, and being satisfied by doing what he loves. Theo on the other hand, likes to live in luxury, and goes out of his way to cause trouble. He will steal to get what he wants, and finds his satisfaction in pranking and humiliating other people. Davis loves Theo, but Theo does not feel the same way.


Theo despises the Gods as a whole, but respects their power. Theo thinks that the gods have many stupid rules and are quite corrupt, but realizes that if it weren't for his mom, he wouldn't have his powers, or be a demigod. He is sort of upset she had his father send him to Camp Half Blood, as he doesn't like camp very much. He does not love her, and believes that she has never done anything for him except give him his powers and his demigod blood.

Benjamin "Benny" Carraway

Benny was one of the first people Theo met at camp. Unlike with most other people, Theo recognized Benny's energetic personality and innocence and liked him right away.Benny is one of the only people ever to have never been pranked by Theo within the first time they met. Theo sees Benny almost as a little brother, who he only met a short while ago, and cares for him a lot. He is very protective of him, and Benny is one of the few people he truly trusts.

Tyler Young

Theo met Tyler right before setting out on a quest with him, but knew of hims before that, and never came to like the kid. Ever since finding out that Tyler had tricked Benny into kissing him with pheromones, he has become more protective of Benny around Tyler, and has not liked the kid for the way his relationship with Benny started off. He sees it artificial and childish, and thinks that Tyler is corrupting Benny's innocence slowly. Theo feels that Tyler changes benny for the worse and despises him for this reason, as well as others.

Wilbur Carter Fitzgerald

Theo met Wil right before setting off on a quest with him, Tyler, and Benny, and took a liking to the kid right away. Despite his shyness, Theo appreciated his combat skills and was impressed with the way he used his powers. Theo also knows that Benny kissed Wil, however, unlike with Tyler, Benny kissed Wil instead of the other way around. He respects the way Wil handled the situation and respects him as a demigod as well as a person, but Wil's self-esteem issues and shyness often interfere with their ability to become good friends.
