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Derek ~ Counsellor of Aeolus Cabin

More Info:

 Age: 16  Height: 6'1"  Weight: 127 lbs
 Sexuality: Straight  Relationship Status: Dating Megan Chambers
 Birth Place: Madrid  Main Weapon: A sword
 Accent: Spanish
 – "I can't protect you without holding a sword. I can't embrace you while holding a sword."


Megan Chambers -Child of Apollo
-Sun's Daughter

 – "All you need is love and music"



Derek: He is sitting in a tree near his cabin humming a tune to himself enjoying the day.

Megan: She walks into the cabin grounds. She had just watched the orientation video, but, even after the explanation, couldn't believe the world she'd stepped into.

Derek: He sees a girl walking past who looks confused "Hello" he calls down with a smile

Megan: She turns around, seeing a guy sitting in a tree. She can't help but notice how good looking he is. "Hi there," She replies with a friendly smile

Derek: He flies down to her "You look confused can I help you oh pretty one?"

Megan: She blushes slightly at the compliment. "I'm a, looking for cabin seven?" she peers into his face "Do you happen to know where that is?"

Derek: "Ah the Apollo Cabin yes lets go" He smiles and leads the way

Megan: She follows him, keeping an eye on the back of his head. "So..." she says, "How long have you been here?"

Derek: He slows down so she can walk beside him and looks at her with a smile "Oh a couple of years"

Megan: "What's the most exciting part of camp?" she asks, curious to find out more about her new home and this stranger.

Derek: "Oh the meeting new people having fun, training together stuff like that I personally have done a lot of training but I have been lonely besides my siblings since my family has passed to the underworld"

Megan: She nods her head in understand. "It's hard, to lose a family member." Her face turns sad, but she recovers. "So whats your name handsome?"

Derek: He smiles "I am Derek Son and Lt. of Aeolus and who are you gorgeous?"

Megan: She smiles back. "I'm Megan, daughter of Apollo, newbie of the Apollo cabin. But you already know that" she teases.

Derek: His eyes noticeably give away that he finds her highly attractive but he doesn't know that "So, how are you enjoying things so far?"

Megan: "Well" she says, "my favorite part so far has to be walking with you." She smiles, her heart slightly fluttering.

Derek: "Why thank you I am flattered and honoured to escort such a smart woman"

Megan: They arrive at the cabin, but she doesn't want to depart from Derek just yet. "Would you mind helping me set up my things in the cabin?" she asks, pathetically holding up her bow, quiver, and violin case.

Derek: "I would be happy to" He smiles his heart yearning for her

Megan: "So," she says, putting the violin case by her bedside. "I noticed you looking st me. See anything you like?" Her heart skips a beat, knowing fully well where this might head.

Derek: He blushes and looks away "Maybe" He says but his tone says yes

Megan: "You should know" she places her bow and quiver on the side of her bed. Looking at him directly, she says "I can tell you right now, this is the best view I've seen all day. No forest can compare to what I see now." 'I hope I didn't just make a fool out of myself', she thinks quietly

Derek: He walks up to her "Why thank you that is sweet of you you are definitely the prettiest girl I have ever met those Aphrodite girls should envy you" He smiles

Megan: She takes a step forward, intending to give him a kiss, but then realizes there are two other people in the cabin, gawking at them. "Do you have anywhere private we can go?" she asks, lightly touching arm

Derek: He whispers "We could go to my cabin nobody is inside"

Megan: She smiles nervously and nods in agreement, making a move to follow him to his cabin

Derek: "Well this is my cabin" he says as he gestures to the empty Aeolus Cabin

Megan: She appraises the room with her eyes. "I like it," she says. "This camp sure does have a flair for decor"

Derek: "Yeah that is my set of weapons, that is the picture of my family, that is the picture of my siblings, that is the night stand and that is the bed"

Megan: She traces the outline of the family photo, sadness over coming her. "You guys look so happy" she says wistfully. Knowing he had lost his family too, she felt a little closer to Derek

Derek: He sits on the foot of the bed "Yeah it was a happy time"

Megan: She takes his hand and squeezes it. She tries to heal her pain by healing his. "It's okay, you know, to cry some times." She looks deep into his sad green eyes

Derek: He smiles and falls backward onto the bed

Megan: She climbs atop him, and begins to kiss him. Softly, at first, but then hard and passionate


Derek: They are lying together in bed "That was the best time I have ever had in my life"

Megan: "You can say that again" she says, a smile on her exhausted, ridiculously happy face

Derek: He pulls the covers over them and lies his head on the pillow "You are really happy" He says with a smile

Megan: "You make me happy" she says, grinning. Megan gives him a gentle kiss. "I hope no activities were planned for me today" she says, laughing a little

Derek: "I am exempt because of counsellor and you are exempt because you are new don't worry."

Megan: "Good" she whispers, kissing him again.

Derek: He kisses her back making sure to pull the covers over her and holds her

Megan: She wraps her arms around his waist, her head on his chest. :You're comforting," she says

Derek: "Why thank you sweet pea" He says with a smile

Megan: She cuddles with Derek for a little bit.

Derek: He cuddles back and gives her a long kiss

Megan: "I should really get going" she whispers in his ear. "I still have much to explore of the camp. Will you come with me?"

Derek: "Of course baby" He hands her her clothes and dresses himself

Megan: She puts on her clothes. "Can we visit the forest first?" she says with a smile

Derek: He smiles "Okay lets go" but his eyes reveal that he is aware what might happen there

Megan: She takes his hand and they walk out of the cabin, towards the woods. What a whirlwind relationship.

Derek: He lets himelf get led by her smiling. 

Megan: "So," she asks, "How good are you at sword fighting?" She gives his hand a squeeze.

Derek: Pretty good I have been through my share of battles during my time.""

Megan: "How long have you been here?" she asks

Derek: "A couple of years" He says with a smile

Megan: She nods in silence, taking in the breathtaking scenery.

Derek: He smiles at her and lifts her up flying her around the forest.

Megan: The cool wind blew at her face, hair flying everywhere. She was flying! She looked toward Derek lovingly.

Derek: He looks at her "So how do you like flight?" he asks

Megan: "I love it," she gushes. "It must be nice, being able to fly." She smiles at him.

Derek: He flies over camp so she gets a birds eye view "It can be but it also is very draining after some time"

Megan: A bit of worry creeps in. "Are you tired from flying? We could just land in the forest"

Derek: He lands in the forest "Still pretty good" he says with a short yawn.

RP (Alyce and Miller)[]


Alyce -Child of Athena
-The Smarts

 Age: Seventeen  Height: 5'7  Weight: 105 pounds.
 Sexuality: Heterosexual.  Relationship Status: Taken
 Health Status: Healthy  Main Weapon: Sword


Miller Sallow ~ Magic Man, Son of Hermes

"Don't check your pockets yet, I'm still working my magic"
Character's Bio

 Age: 18  Height: 6'0 ft.  Weight: 170
 Sexuality: Heterosexual  Relationship Status: Single
 Birth Place: Detroit, Michigan  Main Weapon: Staff that turns into a javelin
 Accent: American

Character's Powers

 #Children of Hermes are skilled thieves and are able to disarm an opponent and take their weapon easily.

  1. Children of Hermes can summon nearby animals to attack an opponent. The more animals summoned and the bigger they are, the more energy is drained.
  2. Children of Hermes are able to increase their speed and stealth in short bursts, making them faster than most and undetectable for a short time. However, they cannot have a weapon drawn so the speed is purely for evasion.
  3. Children of Hermes have innate reflexes which allows them to fight and dodge quickly.
  4. Children of Hermes are extremely proficient with thrown weapons.
  5. Children of Hermes are proficient in dodge-rolls.
  6. Children of Hermes have the inhuman ability to leap great distances at once which this can be used to dodge or attack.
  7. Children of Hermes possess enhanced stamina.
  8. Children of Hermes are able to endow a pair a shoes with ethereal wings which grant the wearer temporary flight, they may use it for themselves or give them to another, however they are only able to go as high as just over the tree tops, and they only last for a couple of days at most before the wings lose power.
  9. Children of Hermes can cause a person or a group of people to speak in different languages so that no one understands what each other is saying, the effects only last a short time.
  10. Children of Hermes are able to trick another into doing something for them or revealing a secret to them; nothing guarantees the person will complete the task, if they figure out they are being tricked.

Owned by: Yorkie ~ Posted on: {{{2}}}

Alyce: She is leaning against a tree relaxing and reading.

Miller: He is running away, in hot pursuit of a few angry campers.

Alyce: She hears the sound and looks down the tree and sees him running using her minor telepathic ability she communicates "Hi" to his brain

Miller: He already has a hard enough time not tripping, with his leg being as weak as it was. The voice in his head didn't help matters. He tripped and fell, and the campers were upon him. "Give us back our underpants!" one of them shouts angrily. He just shrugas and luaghs. "Don't know what your talking about."

Alyce: She walks to a nearby tree climbs and watches amused.

Miller: They guy continues shouting "give them back or else!" he brandishes a sword. Miller gets up, a grin on his face. "Comon man, we can sort this out. I dont have your underwear." He looks at the other. "I don't have any of your guyses underwear. How bout a nice feel good hug?" Before they can protest, he hugs them all tightly. As he limps off, one of the guys' shout, happily "My underwear is back!" The happiness stops when they realize he'd taken their pants. As they chase him again, he burts up a tree (Alyce's tee), laughing the whole time.

Alyce: She looks at him puzzled "Hello, what are you doing?"

Miller: Startled, Miller nearly falls off the tree. "I just stole their pants and I don't want to die," he says with a grin

Alyce: "Oh uh why did you do that?" She says with an eyebrow raised.

Miller: He looks at her confused. "Because they just chased after me for their underwear" he says, sure this explanation would make her understand.

Alyce: "I know that but why did you take it exactly?" She says in his mind.

Miller: He blinks in surprise, then grins. "Nice powers you got there" he says. Then he explained it to her, hopefully making more sense. "Well, they were being bossy and annoying. Plus, I thought it would be really funny." He grins again, his mischievous trouble maker grin.

Alyce: "So we have a trouble maker" She scoots closer to the trunk of the tree hoping he doesn't do anything to her.

Miller: He notices that the girl is quite beautiful.. "I'm Miller by the way, but you can call me magic man" He shakes his hands for effect, grinning. He then plucks a flower from the tree, and attempts to sneakily put it on her ear without her noticing. So smooth, he thinks to himself

Alyce: "Ooh a magic man how nice, well I am Alyce Daughter of Athena" She notices the flower due to her highly observant nature and plucks it out of his hand "nice try"

Miller: He pretends to look hurt. "What? You don't like my flower?" He pouts a little.

Alyce: "Oh I do but I am very observant don't think you can pull any tricks on me" She says

Miller: He smiles a trouble makeing smile. "Is that a... challenge I hear?

Alyce: "Oh I don't know I don't want my underwear to be taken from me" She continues to lean closer to the tree.

Miller: He laughs hard, breath coming short. That was the quippiest response he;d heard all day. "I solemnly promise not to take your underwear," he says. He raises his hands in the air, a show of surrender.

Alyce: She slightly relaxes and says in his mind "So son of Hermes I take it?"

Miller: "You take it right." he says out loud. "Don't mind the mischievousness, it comes naturally."

Alyce: She smiles "I am sure it does she says as she then gathers her reports together and puts them into the folder.

Miller: Curiously, he peers over to see. "Watcha doin?" he asks

Alyce: "Me and my siblings are reviewing the defences of camp and creating plans in the event of a BC invasion" She says simply.

Miller: He pointed at a location on the map. "Put some sort of cover there," he says. "I know if I was sneaking into the camp, thats the first place I would hit up."

Alyce: She analyzes it and adds some units there. "Interesting I see what could happen"

Miller: He points to another location. "And over there, the units are too out in the open. Anyone attacking from here-" he points to a cluster of rocks, "-would easily see them. Instead move them a little to the right, that way they can see their surroundings, while also stay hidden. Surprise can be ones greatest strength."

Alyce: She points to some of the hidden traps "I thought that if I have them out in the open they can act as bait and bring them into the traps while they run and hide behind the cluster of rocks.

Miller: "I can see why you would think that, but the main point of the BC is to invade.. If they kill guards, its only a bonus. No, if they see guards so obviously placed, they will either be wary and try a different route, or they will go the same route, but torture the guards first to get any information."

Alyce: "Hmm I agree you are very smart son of hermes" She says as she scribbles the changes in.

Miller: He grins. "Not smart. Clever. You've gotta know your ins and  outs to be a good theif."

Alyce: "Interesting" she says as she gathers the plans into her folder

Miller: He looks down, realizing the campers are gone. "Well," he says, "it was nice meeting you Alyce. Hopefully we'll be seening each other around." He winks, and hops of the tree. Naturally, he lands bad on his weak leg, and falls over.

Alyce: She looks down and sees that he fell over and jumps out of the tree "Are you okay?" she asks concerned

Miller: He laughs. "I'm right as rain. Its just me beautiful leg here-" he wiggles his weak leg "-enjoys making me fall. It has gotten me into quite a bit of trouble." He grins mischieviously, obviously remembering some times in which he'd gotten into major trouble. 

Alyce: "do you need to see a medic" she asks

Miller: He laughs. Hard. "I sure would've loved to see a medic when the telkhine turned it into mince meat, but I had to settle for a satyr and ambrosia."

Alyce: She holds out a hand to him "Well it appears I have to take you to the medic then"

Miller: He takes her hand and stands up. "No, I'm good. I have my walker." He takes hold of his staff. "Well, nice meeting you girlie." He winks, thne limps off.

Alyce: As he walks away she motions for a nearby medic who comes to assist him.

Miller: He sees the medic and becomes slightly annoyed. "I don't need you Guy," he says. "Please go treat someone who is in actual need of medical attention." He flashes a look of irritation towards beautiful Alyce

Alyce: She smiles then waves.

Miller: He limps off skulkily, muttering something about girls.

Alyce: She gets a sad face and sits down at the base of the tree

Miller: He was taking a jog around the camp, and had stopped briefly to rest infront of the Athena cabin.

Alyce: She exits her cabin in a two piece swimsuit ready to go to the beach.

Miller: He sees Alyce and waves. Even though they'd left each other under odd circumstances last time, this did not impair Miller from being friendly to the beautiful demigod. He ran up to her. "Hey there," he says with a grin.

Alyce: "Hey" She says looking him from head to toe

Miller: He pnats slightly from the jog. "I see your going to the beach? Mind if I come with?"

Alyce: She smiles slyly "sure"

Miller: He grins. "Hold on one moment." He sprints toward his cabin, taking off his clothes meanwhile. When he gets there, he puts on his swimshorts and sprints back. "Ok," he says. "I'm ready."

Alyce: She smirks and raises an eyebrow "Well you seem excited"

Miller: He smiles. "I must confess, I've never been to the beach. I actually haven't been in any large body of water since the telkhine attack, haha."

Alyce: She smiles "Don't worry no telkhines here"

Miller: "Then I guess we are off. Were you planning on meeting with some peeps?" He asks with his usual grin

Alyce: "No, it was just going to be me" She says with a smile.

Miller: "Oh great, then I guess I'll keep you company."  He hold's his arm out, to see if she will take it. "He raises an eyebrow, then asks, "We are off to see the wizard?"

  • Note: He is just quoting The Wizard if Oz, seeing if she will quote back*

Alyce: "The wonderful wizard of oz" she says back with a light giggle.

Miller: He grins, loving that she is able to quote back

Alyce: They reach the beach and she starts to set her towel on the sand

Miller: He hadn't brought a towel, but he didn't care. He attempted to lift Alyce by her waist and carry her into the water, as she set up her towel.

Alyce: She squeals in surprise as she was lifted "What are you doing?" she asks

Miller: He runs toward the surf, and plunges them both into the water. He is laughing hysterically.

Alyce: She screams as they go under and then surfaces again.

Miller: He's laughing, splashes at Alyce. He goes to put his arms around her, and wrestle her

Alyce: She wags her finger and draws away from his grasp

Miller: He laughs a little, then splashes her some more

Alyce: She starts drifting towards land towards her towel and the sun so she can get a nice tan

Miller: He notices this, so he goes toward the beach, away from the water. there is a burning question he wants to ask, but his courage wasn't there yet.

Alyce: She lies down on the sand and looks into his eyes inviting him to lie down on her or next to her "You have a question for me I sense it" she says.

He lies in the sand next to her, drying in the sun. "Hmm? yeah.. I do have a question for you." He grins and laughs, but his stomach is doing flips

Alyce: She smiles reassuringly "well?"

Miller: He takes the reassurance to heart. "So.. your awesome. and beautiful. Would it be okay if I asked you, such an awesome and beautiful girl, to go on a date with me?"

Alyce: She smiles having strong love feelings for him too "Of course you may ask and the answer is yes" she says with a tone of almost desperation as she moves to kiss him with a hunger in her eyes.

Miller: He rotated his body toward her, grinning. Je gently took her face in his hands, and kissed it. His snake wrapped around her waist

Alyce: She moaned softly almost so that it can't be heard and tries to climb on top of him.

Miller: Alyce is now on top of him. they make out some more.

Alyce: Her hands roam around his body.


Miller: When they finish, he is tired, but happy. He has his arms around her,

Alyce: "Well I had fun" She says with a smirk on her face.\

Miller: "Same," he says with a grin. He is sniffing her hair.

Alyce: She just raises her eyebrow looking at him

Miller: "You smell nice," he says with a grin. He kisses her head

Alyce: She laughs and snuggles up to his chest. "You are strong"

Miller: It's his turn to laugh. "You have to be to survive. You are beautiful." He kisses her ear.

Alyce: "But I am not very strong" She says burying her head in his chest.

Miller: He scoffs. "Hell yes you are." He puts his hand behind her head. He's never been this tender with ayone.

Alyce: She smiles and moans into his chest

Miller: He holds her close. Then sees the time. "Oh crap!" He says. "I gotta go to a meeting with some clients. See you at the gate at 7?"

Alyce: She gets up a little sad "Okay"

Miller: He sees this and grabs her shoulder. He gives her a passionate kiss. "Don't worry, we will see each other soon." He grins, puts on the clothes he has there, and runs into the forest


Miller: He is combing his hair, getting ready for the date. He was still exhilarated from the earlier tumble

Alyce: She is already ready waiting for him to pick her up.

Miller: He runs down to the gate, wearing a dress shirt and some jeans. casual, but not too casual

Alyce: She walks over to the gate in a dress with some make up done and her hair done by the aphrodite kids.

Miller: He looks at her in awe. "Um, you look.." gorgeous, fabulous, magnificent, beautiful. "Great. You look great." He walks up to her, putting his arm around her waist and kissing her gently.

Alyce: "You look handsome yourself" She says before kissing him.

Miller: His face is near hers. `So, I have a surprise date planned today.`

Alyce: "Ooh do tell what are we doing?"

Miller: He grins. "You'll have to wait and see." He gives her a kiss on the nose. "Come on babe, we gotta walk a bit. Limo is waiting for us a little further down the sound."

Alyce: She smirks "Oh and do tell how you arranged that?"

Miller: He shrugs coyly, grinning. "Charms of a Hermes kid, I guess." He holds his arm out. "Lets go?"

Alyce: She takes his arm "Oh charms I am sure" she says laughing.


Alyce: They arrive at the fair her arms in his.

Miller: He looked at all the bright lights. "So...what do you think of the date?" He little grin lit up his face.

Alyce: "Its a very nice choice" she says with a kiss on his cheek

Miller: He guides her over to a dart game. 'Get the dart in the center, and you win!' read the sign. "Interested?" He says with a grin. He had an idea to impress her..........

Alyce: She knew his intentions "Go for it bad boy"

Miller: He laughs. "okay." He turns to the guy at  the game counter. "Excuse me, my girlfriend would like to try her hand at this. Mind if we play?" He gives the man a five dollar bill, while also patting the mans shirt pocket and putting an arm around him. While it may seem Miller was just acting chummy, anyone who knew him would know better.

Alyce: Her eyes scold him for attempting to pickpocket the cashier and tell him to play the game as she wraps her arms around his waist with a smile.

Miller: He sighs, noticing the gaze. He swiftly gives the man back his money, knowing the guy was clueless about the whole ordeal. The man passes him some darts. Miller gives a few to Alyce, and keeps a few himself. "A little friendly competition." His eyes jest playfully, and he gives her a light kiss.

Alyce: She kisses him back and hits the first one a centimeter off center.

Miller:He throws his dart, hitting the mark a little closer than Alyce, but not close enough. He grins. "Come on babe, you can do much better." He playfully put his arm around her, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Alyce: She grins and hits the very center of the target.

Miller: He appraises her with his eyes. "Nice job babe." The guy asks her to pick an animal from the middle shelf. "Why middle?!" Miller demands. "She hit it fair and square." The man smirks. "Second try, tho." He grew furious, ready to leave this man underwearless. maybe even clothe less

Alyce: She puts her hand on his stomach to calm him and then picks a teddy bear and then pays for a second try

Miller: He huffs, but does nothing. Why do you have to have such an affect on me? he thinks.

Alyce: She hits the center of the target on her first shot and then hugs him and says in her mind "Because we love each other"

Miller: He hugs her back, and gives her an eskimo kiss.You know it. He pulls her in for a long kiss, which makes the man unintentionally awkward. "Well...are you gonna get your prize from the middle shelf or what?"

Alyce: "I already got the bear from there I get to pick from the big shelf since I got it on the first shot" she picks a giant bear now

Man: He tries to block her. "No. because this is your second time at the booth. So you can only get one from the middle."

Miller: He laughs, little mirth on his face. "I wouldn't do that pal."

Alyce: She hugs him "shhh" she says in her brain "lets go somewhere else at least we got the bear" she cuddles with her bear

Miiler: He sighs. "Ok." He points in a direction. "How about I buy you some cotton candy?" He smiles at her.

Alyce: "sure" she says giving him the money "so who do I like better you or this cute adorable teddy bear" she says playfully.

Miller: "hmmmm...I dont really know. They teddy bear seems more adorable, to be honest." He grins. "But you are MOST adorable of all."

Alyce: "I love this teddy bear but I love you more" she says as she snuggles into his chest.

Miller: He snuggles back, giving her another signature eskimo kiss. "Donchu wuv my adorable eskimo kisses?" He asks playfully

Alyce: "I love them" she says lunging and giving him a full kiss on the lips.

Miller: Who could think of cotton candy at a time like this?! He hugs her tightly, kissing her full on the mouth. Some people start to stare, and someone yells at them to get a room

Alyce: She looks at that person her eyes flashing with power and walks with him to the forest portion on the outskirts of the fair.

Miller: He follows along. "Hey...what about in a carrousel?" He grins. "Just a little adventure."

Alyce: She responds by just resuming the kiss "Too open"

Miller: He kisses her back. "Okay, what about a haunted house." He grins. "I hear they have a closed off bedroom."

Alyce: "Too much screaming what about right over there in the nature where there is a lot of shade and seems hidden by the trees" she points a little ways away.

Miller: He smiles. "Okay, but I'm tired of walking." He wasn't, but this was his moment to impress her. Quickly, he enchanted his shoes with wings, and lifted her off her feet, bridle style."Lets fly over." He gives her a kiss on the nose.

Alyce: She smiles at him and relaxes.

Miller: He flies them over to where Alyce wanted, and he reaches the ground.

Alyce: She finds a nice patch of flowers and lies down in them "So soft" her eyes inviting him

Miller: He went and lay next to her. "You smell like daisies now," he says with a grin. Quietly, he begins to passionately kiss her.

Alyce: She kisses him back smiling perhaps today was his lucky day again

Miller: He tugged at her clothing, letting her know, if its something she wanted, the could do

Alyce: She nodded lightly and kissed him 


Miller: He holds her tightly, not wanting to let the moment end. "I get lucky a lot, you know," he says with a grin. "I know I got lucky with you."

Alyce: She looks at him "Only because I let you" she says coyly putting her face in his chest

Miller: He laughs. "I know babe."

Alyce: "So did you enjoy your experience at the festival?" she says smiling mischeivously 

Miller: He cuddles her. "I always enjoy my time with you."

Alyce: She relaxes and lies down

Miller: "You tired babe? Should I take you back to camp?" He kisses her ear.

Alyce: "No just relaxing" She smiles reflecting on the tangle they just had and feeling very happy. She thought to herself I wish this festival was everyday that would be great she started to curl up and cuddle with his chest enjoying the warmth

Miller: He yawned a bit, and nuzzled his face into her hair.

Alyce: A cold wind starts to come and she feels that it is time for them to leave the spot "Honey lets go ride on the ferris wheel" she smiles mischeviously " that will surely wake you up. she starts getting up to get her clothes and her back has a bleeding cut on it that she fails to notice.

Miller: He, however, notices and gasps. "Babe! Your back!" A worried expression fills his face.

Alyce: She turns to him and raises an eyebrow "Is something wrong with it?" she asks thinking What did I do this time? She sits back down and starts feeling her back for any noticeable bruises or blood but unintentionally doesn't touch the area that is actually cut

Miller: He quickly grabs his shirt and places it gently on the spot on her back. "Sweety, you're badly hurt."

Alyce: "But I don't feel anything honey" she says back to him until he places the shirt on the wound "Owwww" she cried as the wound started sending pain throughout her body like electricity flowing through metal "That hurts what on earth happened"

Miller: He dabs the wound as gently as possible, the send of her cry tearing at his heart strings. "I don't know babe..." And suddenly, he sees it.... It was... It was....

Alyce: There is a shard of glass stuck in her back about a few centimeters deep it must have been something someone broke in which she lied on and not felt it. "It must have been from what we have been doing something must have been broken and in the flowers when we lied down."

Miller: He winces. "Yeah...Do you want me to take it out?"

Alyce: "Take what out honey" she says worriedly "Is it bad?" she is getting worried that something is happening that shouldn't "Do I need to go to the infirmary honey?" she starts spewing out questions worried and hugs him out of fear

Miller: "Well...not too bad, but there is a shard of glass in your back."

Alyce: "Take it out please" she says crying in pain still as the place that the wound was located felt like it was burning she thinks to herself I probably should go take this to the infirmary to have tested for anything unless Miller has any nectar on him She continues to hold him tighter

Miller: He takes it out, then wraps her back in his shirt. "I'm sorry babe, I didn't bring any nectar or ambrosia with me. If you hold on a sec, I'll go grab an apollo kid or a healing nymph." He begins putting on his underwear and pants. "I don't think anyone will notice I'm shirtless, do you?" He grins weakly.

Alyce: She flashes him an look of anger that he is going without a top but is forced to relent "Oh I am sure they will but what can I do?" she says sadly as she looks first then carefully lies down in the grass. She has managed to get the rest of her clothes on so there is no sign of what they did some time previously.

Miller: "Don't be like that babe. I'll be back in a sec." He runs off to get someone to help.

Alyce: She lies there and waits a monster circling around some thirty yards away aware that she is weak. She senses this and readies her weapon for possible combat as she thinkg I hope he comes back soon she starts using her power to anticipate the monsters actions to know when it might attack her

Miller: He comes back, a girl at his side.

Megan: She rushes to Alyceès side, examining the wound.  "Looks pretty bad. Luckily, I always bring some ambrosia squares." She pulls a square out, and hands it over.

Alyce: She feels very tired but notices that the medic has arrive Thank goodness  she thinks as they start to examine the wound hoping that she will be all fixed up soon as the monster starts to back away with the return of not one but two demigods.

Miller: He looks at her in concern. "whats wrong?"

Megan: She places some herbs on the cut, humming softly, not noticing anything.

Alyce: She feels the pain beginning to subside feeling like water was thrown on a fire but just then the cyclops charged towards them roaring and she begain thinking Uh oh as she clenched her sword and got ready to fight.

Miller: He sees the monster coming. there is no way in hell that thing is gonna touch Alyce. He launches himself on it, taking it to the floor.

Megan: She hears a crash, but continues the work at hand. It was important to complete one task before facing the next.

Alyce: She stays down hoping that it doesn't overpower Miller but ready to stand and fight in the event that he needs her "Is it in working fashion?" she asks the medic as the pain nearly is gone from her being

OOC: Chat?

Miller: The monster throws him against a tree. Wump! His core hurt, but he crawled for his staff. grabbing it and twirling, he throws the javelin at the beast. It sinks into his shoulder. "Mwrawww!!!!" it yells.

Megan: "Eat the damn square." She demands.

Alyce: Her eyes flash with power as she takes the square and eats it feeling all warm and fuzzy inside as it does the work it should. "Thanks" she says calmly as she attempts to flex her muscles and assess her current condition and take out her double bladed sword.

Miller: He doesnt even make the attempt to grab the javelin, just passes out.

Megan: She makes a sword out of light, and charges at the monster. "Hiya!" She strikes at its front, hoping Alyce will take it by surprise as she distracts it.

Alyce: She starts to anticipate the actions of the monster and realizes that its left flank is unguarded so she rolls over and swiftly stabs it in the side disintegrating it into dust before kneeling at miller's side. "It appears he has used most of his energy" she says

Megan: "It appears so." She notices Miller is unconscious. "It seems this guy has too." She runs over, pulling out some nectar. "I can get my boyfriend to carry him back to camp, if you want."

Alyce: "That would be nice thank you" she replies calculating the amount of time and protection that the group of demigods would need while traversing the forest towards the infirmary "What is the average recovery time for them to gain conciousness?" she asks so she can factor that in.

Megan: She checks his eyes. "Really depends on the gravity of the situation. Already, I can see he has a concusion by the dialation of his pupils.`Hang out for just a moment." She runs to get Derek.

Derek: He arrives with Megan "Where is he?" he asks simply as they arrive ready to diagnose the situation "Get me some water so we can bring him to conciousness" he says as he starts to run throught the steps he has to go through in his head.

Megan: She shook her head. "Wont work, He`ll be down for the count for a bit. Could you help me carry him to camp babe? He needs to rest a day or two in the infirmary."

Derek: He slings the boy over his shoulder and walks with Megan and Alyce to a clearing in the forest where two medics are already waiting with a hand held stretcher to carry him back in "Ah I see you two got word but I think I got it" he says as they inject him with some liquids to keep up his vitals and watch Derek carry him back to the infirmary telling him where to put him.

Megan: She goes over to Derek and kisses him lightly. "Thank you," she whispers.

Derek: He looks down at her smiling "no problem I knew they would come but you know got to play it smooth" he says laughing as they near the infirmary. "Lets see they wanted us to put him there" he says pointing to a bed designed for lengthy stays 

Megan: "Yeah," She says. "Need help setting him down or are you good?"

Derek: "I am good" he replies with a smile as he sets him down gently and starts to hook him up to various monitors in the infirmary "Well looks like he is in good shape should be better soon" he says as he studies the various readings 

Megan: She punches him playfully. "Yeah I know. daughter of Apollo, remember?"

Derek: "I know just showing you that my head isn't a completely empty vessel" he says as he gives her a light kiss and stares at the monitors and says to Alyce "You going to be okay? or do you want us to stay with you?"

Alyce: "I will be fine" she says as she sits next to Miller in the chair and waits for him to wake up

Derek: He turns to Megan "Okay what should we do?" he asks her wondering whether they should stick around or give them there private time

Megan: "hmmm, wanna go on the carousel?" She rubs his back.

Megan and Derek at the fair[]

Derek: "Sure" he takes her hand and lets her lead them back to the fair.  Megan: They arrived at the long line for the carousel. "Wow..." she remarks.

Derek: He holds her hand and secretly flies over the line until they are at the front "I don't want to stand there all day" he remarks to her.

Megan: she giggles and punches his arm. "Hey! Those poor people who have to wait in line...." But mirth lit up her face, letting him know she wasn't mad.

Derek: He gets on the carousel car and closes the door after her and looks out the windows "Ready to go?"

Megan: She squeezes his hand. "Always." She gives him a light kiss on the cheek.

Derek: He kisses her back and the ride starts to ascend and he looks around and then at her "Nice view don't you think?"

Megan: "It's lovely," she says, squinting out the window. "The stillness is quite beautiful."

Derek: They reach the top and he gets up and looks out "Wow looks really nice I don't usuall fly this high" he points to the land out in the distance "there is the new york mainland" he says

Megan: She sees the mainland. "Nice," she says half heartedly. New York did not contain the... fondest of memories

Derek: He senses her fall of happiness and gives her a big hug and a kiss and whispers comforting and soothing words to her as they transcend to the top "Shall we have a nice flight after this? Just you and me our private time."

Megan: "Sure," she says, faking a smile. 

Derek: He has begun to master reading her face and he whispers to her "What's wrong talk to me I have and will be there for you" he says with a smile

OOC: Rays won on walk off single

Megan: "It's just...New York. That's the place where mom died....And it was all my fault...." She looks at the ground.

Derek: He hugs her tightly and whispers "Its not your fault I am sure your mother is very proud of you and you did as she desired" he says as he gives her a kiss.

OOC: Rays are also in first place with the fourth best record in the American League. Houston is third

Megan: She kisses him back. " IS my fault. It's all my fault. And now she's gone...." She rests her head on his shoulder, holding back a sob. She may have been sixteen, but she felt like a little girl again.

OOC: For realz? nice. I need to get back into baseball lol

Derek: He gives her plenty of kisses and rubs her back to make her feel better "Sometimes the fates will certain things to happen in certain ways for certain reasons so it isn't your fault" he replies as he holds her.

Megan:She shakes her head. "I don't care if it's the fates. Fate is just the outcome of apparent free will. We could've been safe. But... I never listened." She cuddles him.

Derek: He sits down and leans back letting her lie on him comfortably "I feel sorry for you I have a similar experience when I had to come over to America" he added.

Megan: She looks up curiously. `Really? Would you mind...if I asked? what happened?"

Derek: "Monsters attacked us when we came to America. My mom had us go onto the boat to cross the ocean and leave her behind and we never saw her again" he says

Megan: She winces, internally slapping herself for such a blunt question. "That's terrible." She rubs his shoulders. "But hey, mayb you'll see her again one day..."

Derek: "Possibly" he says as he looks off into the horizon "Anyway how are you enjoying the ride?" he asks as he sits down and attempts to pull her onto his lap

Megan: She is pulled onto his lap. "Quite well actually." She smiles warmly at him.

Derek: He kisses her as he looks out of the windows his arms wrapped around her stomach.

Megan:She kisses back roughly, curling her fingers in his hair. Overall, the day had turned out quite well. 

OOC: If you want, we can end the date here? and go back to reg forum rp

Derek: He lets her do what she wants enjoying the ride and her company
