Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki

This is the page where users can request user rights. If you feel you deserve user rights, and it will benefit the wiki, then you may place a request below. Please read the instructions carefully before requesting user rights.


Chat Mod Rights

  • You should be a trusted member of the community.
  • You should have a strong history on this wiki. We don't accept people who have only edited a few times.
  • You must be a level five user.
  • You should have no history of vandalism, sock-puppetry, or rudeness.
  • Your Duties will be to maintain chat rules and policy. As you are not a rollback, you may not approve claims or vote on things meant for rbs+. However, the 1 month auto demotion still applies.

Rollback Rights

  • You should be a trusted member of the community.
  • You should have a strong history on this wiki. We don't accept people who have only edited a few times.
  • You must be a level five user.
  • You should have no history of vandalism, sock-puppetry, or rudeness.
  • Upon running for Rollback, you must pick a department ahead of time, that has an opening and get permission from the Bcrat to join that department: Claiming Department, Human Resources, Research & Development, Support Services. Once you run, if you are successful, depending on which department you are in, you will perform the duties necessary in that department, and assist the Bcrat leading that department.

Administrator Rights

  • You must have rollback rights.
  • You should be a trusted member of the community.
  • You should have no history of vandalism, sock-puppetry, or rudeness.
  • Upon running for Administrator, you must pick a department ahead of time, that has an opening: Claiming Department, Human Resources, Research & Development, Support Services. Once you run, if you are successful, depending on which department you are in, you will perform the duties necessary in that department, and assist the Bcrat leading that department. In a case of a bcrat going on vacation, you may be asked to cover running that department while they are gone.

Bureaucrat Rights

  • You must have administrator rights.
  • You should be a trusted member of the community.
  • You should have no history of vandalism, sock-puppetry, or rudeness.
  • The only way a bcrat spot will ever open up, is if one of the current 3 bcrats leaves, steps down or is demoted.



  1. Choose to edit a section under "Requests" (either chat moderator, rollback, administrator, or bureaucrat).
  2. Add your name as a subheading like this: ===Your User Name===.
  3. Give a small statement of why you think you deserve the rights.


Users will then state whether the user deserves the rights or not. They will either agree, or disagree with the request. Only Rollbacks and up may vote on user rights.


Requests may be turned down simply because users with the rights are not needed. If your request is turned down, you can try again later when you have a stronger history, or when someone with the rights is needed.


Claiming Department

This department is primarily responsible for checking any and all claims: Camp claims, BC claims, Pet claims, and Quest or Mission claims. Members of this department are tasked with keeping claim pages up to date and organised. Helping users make claims and get started, as well as adding new users and/or characters to the Users & Characters Lists are some examples of the responsibilities that fall to the Claiming Department.

Human Resources

The Human Resources Department (HR) keeps the Users & Characters Lists up to date, as well as keep track of pages with issues and upkeep work such as categories, images, and organisation. Members of this department are also tasked with making sure that users level up the right way, as well as contacting users about their inactivity.

Research and Development

The Research and Development Department (R&D) is for the users who want to come up with ideas, plans, new projects, things to test, basically stuff that will keep the wiki moving forward. Members or this dept actively poll the wiki and talk to the users about what their needs and wishes are. This department is for users who want to help design things like templates or the main page; basically keeping the wiki looking nice. This is a good department for users who are either strong leaders or able to inspire users to get excited about things. They should also be proactive about getting work done. People in this department need to be able to get stuff done without being told or asked. They’d also be in charge of monitoring the ideas/suggestions board/forum.

Aid & Support Services

The Aid & Support Services Department (A&S) functions like the previous General Support. Members of this dept are tasked with helping users with anything they need such as guidance or direction. A&S also monitors the help and debate forums, as well as lend a hand to other departments that are low on help or have extra work.

Chat Moderator

Open Spots: None


Open Spots: Claiming: 4 Spots, HR: 2 Spots, R&D: 3 Spots, A&S: 1 Spot


Yo. After some good time to think, I've decided to request a spot as an RB in Claiming. For lack of eloquence, I'll just dive in with some neat bullet points about the position requirements:

  • You should be a trusted member of the community. - I've lived and breathed this wiki for just over five years now, so hopefully check.
  • You should have a strong history on this wiki. We don't accept people who have only edited a few times. - Some folks might not remember this, but I had a star of my own once upon a time. I started out as a lowly camp helper, and quickly got offered a job as a chat mod. Back during my run as a chat mod, I scoured the To Do list daily, and was also by far the most active CM, working whenever a situation presented itself to keep chat calm and friendly, and most importantly to deescalate situations between people who *cough* often had the authority to get me demoted nigh-instantly... Anyway, yeah. I took my responsibilities seriously, and I aim to bring that back to the table here.
  • You must be a level five user. - If levels continued beyond five, I'd be around level two-hundred-and-sixty by now, so check.
  • You should have no history of vandalism, sock-puppetry, or rudeness. - Check, check, and dubious check.

Now, some of you are probably going to see this and be very startled. Toxy, requesting RB-ship? Dude, you've been here how long and now you're interested in this? I'll admit, this is uncharacteristic of me. But lately I've been paying a lot of attention to claiming and have realized how much I'd enjoy taking an active part in the process. The Claiming department is grossly understaffed nowadays - the department responsible for newbies' first experience on our wiki consists of only three users. My work, if you'll have me, could hopefully help that.


Yay (+3)
  1. Stalk my profile! wishing whirling waving wandering stars  Read my blogs!
  2. Tsum, tsum, tsum, tsum . . .My studio!
  1. Aspire to inspire before we expire
Nay (-4)
  1. Mamamoo1  is coming back for you~
  2. ⌜ Look at your heart, and not at what the world wants. ⌟
  3. Behind those cold hard computer screens.....SuitIsASexyWhoreThere’s a human heart beating away its emotions…
  4. |-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|---~Kevin---GrieverEven if you end up as the world's enemy, I'll be your knight.Griever


Nata's Letter Wall of Text Paragraph of Rec:

In terms of creating new character ideas and lore-related storylines (quests, powersets, etc.), Grandpa Toxy is quite possibly the most creative writer that I know of here. He constantly seeks ways to balance his original creations, making them both plausible and fair (Toxy's anti-OP combat skills: over 9000) in order to keep his RPs interesting but balanced. As a member of the claiming team, Toxy will be able to impart some of his plot-refining abilities upon new and old users alike, helping the wiki as a whole make our characters the very best they can be. Most of the new/revised powersets we've passed over the past few months have had Toxy's hands behind them; additionally, he collaborated and debated with other users on the best ways to write those powersets, indicating that he can work together in a team (much like the claim team) in order to get things done. Additionally, Toxy is one of our oldest, most active, and most trusted users, and he has had administrative experience in the past. He's genuinely one of the coolest people I know (shut up Grandpa you're cool beans don't deny it), and designing characters and stories with him is always an enjoyable experience. What more could you ask for? :D Grandpa Toxy has my full support in his run for RB!

Stalk my profile! wishing whirling waving wandering stars  Read my blogs! 01:11, April 9, 2017 (UTC)

Always around virtually :)

~ June

Voting nay because, correct me if im wrong, you havent had practice in claiming and edits still arent fantastic. I voted no for audrey for many of these same reasons and it would be unfair to her if i abstained simply because of your long wiki history

Mamamoo1  is coming back for you~

Despite what Wolfie says, I have complete faith in Nyxil. He may not be "active" according to people's standards (let's be honest, hardly anyone is right now), but he's a hard worker. I know Nyxil well enough to know that he'll put 100% into everything he does

I'm not going agaisnt you tox I swear but your going into the same department as audrey is going for and your doing NOTHING! Would it be fair for Audrey if I voted yes here just because your my friend when Audrey doing all that she/he (dont know Audrey gender) to 'deserve' that star... Still I feel deeply offended by this. I know its just a title but do you know how many edits people had to do to get a star? Admin teams past or present had to edit and show their worth just to get a star. I remember a user who had to get a 1000 edits just to get his star and some going on an edit spree just to show they're good. So no I'm not on board with you going for RB without prior practice, without helper rights, especially not without at least a standard number of department edits.

So please... rethink this tox. Especially your department of choice.

Behind those cold hard computer screens.....SuitIsASexyWhoreThere’s a human heart beating away its emotions…

Thanks for your consideration, everybody! I certainly didn't mean to offend! If I don't make the cut, no harm, no foul. Sean is prodding me to argue my case, though, so I guess I'll say some stuff in response to Yorkie and Mel: it's true that I haven't made department edits recently, but I certainly haven't done "nothing", nor am I without prior practice. As I said in my little self-advert thingy above, I served as a helper/CM for a very long time a while back. I'm not a helper now, but did claiming work when I was. I do have claims-specific experience and am very familiar with claiming policy. Also, not to diss status quo or anything, but why would people be expected to have anywhere near a thousand edits just to join staff? If someone is capable of the work, department edits don't seem reason to ignore that.

I get that it's common practice to base promotions off of edit count, but isn't that type of criteria a tad arbitrary? Especially if it leads to people just mad-dashing to accumulate edits like Mel said - if the main thing someone needs to join staff is edits, they'll focus on grinding them out on edit-heavy tasks unrelated to what they're actually signing up for, which doesn't at all affect their job readiness. I signed up for claiming, not any other department, because I feel that I'm more than familiar enough with claiming policy and the claiming process to do the job well, and I don't believe my recent activity changes that. SQUIP SQUIP SQUIP SQUIPWH4T K1ND OF 4WFUL C1V1L1Z4T1ON WOULDNT 1NV3NT OR4NG3 CR34MS1CL3SSQUIP SQUIP SQUIP SQUIP

I have no doubt in my mind that you would be able to pull off being a rollback despite your activity status. However I would just like to know if you've taken our newest claiming test (I've lost the link to check who has and hasn't). If so and you've passed it without problems/with a high passing mark, then I see no issue in why I shouldn't vote for you. Especially now when we need all hands on deck.

Gigi Brocky Good morning, Miss Goode!


Open Spots: Claiming: 2 Spot, HR: 2 Spots, R&D: 2 Spots, A&S: 3 Spots


Open Spots: No spots open


Current Team

HelmetgreekOur DepartmentsHelmetgreek
To edit this template, go here. To see the Admin Team template go Here
Claiming Department

Dept Head: OPEN
Department Admins
Department Rollbacks
  1. Kevin
  2. Open
  3. Open
  4. Open
  1. Toxy
  2. Zany
  3. Open
  4. Open
Human Resources

Dept Head: OPEN
Department Admins
Department Rollbacks
  1. Nat
  2. Open
  3. Open
  4. Open
  1. Miggy
  2. Suit
  3. Open
  4. Open
Research and Development

Dept Head: Brocky
Department Admins
Department Rollbacks
  1. Evil
  2. Robin
  3. Time
  4. Open
  1. Lefi
  2. Open
  3. Open
  4. Open
Aid and Support
Department Admins
Department Rollbacks
  1. Omnia
  2. Open
  3. Open
  1. James
  2. Open
  3. Open
Chat Moderators
  1. Open
  2. Open
  3. Open

If you have any questions about how to edit this, please see Miggy or Brocky, Thanks!

HelmetgreekOur Administration TeamHelmetgreek
To edit this template, go here. To see the Dept template go Here
Zeus percy
  1. Brocky
  2. OPEN
  3. OPEN
  1. Evil
  2. Kevin
  3. Nat
  4. Omnia
  1. Robin
  2. Time
  3. Open
  4. Open
  5. Open
  6. Open
  7. Open
Rollback Users
Chat Moderators
P Jackson Hades F-453x600
  1. Migs
  2. Lefi
  3. James
  4. Suit
  5. Toxy
  1. Zany
  2. Open
  3. Open
  4. Open
  5. Open
  6. Open
  1. Open
  2. Open
  3. Open

If you have any questions about how to edit this, please see Brocky or Miggy, Thanks!
