Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
Index > Camp Claiming > Camp/Heather Ross

Full Name: Heather Joanne Ross

Age: 16

God Parent: Boreas/Aeolus/Morpheus

Mortal Parent: Avery Ross

History: Avery Ross was a 19-year-old college student studying in Quebec in the winter term.The year was 1994.Avery met (god) in a cafe.When (god) first her,he wanted to get to know her better.So,in the disguise as one of the random,good-looking boys from her college,he went into the cafe and introduced himself to Avery as "Caleb".Then they started talking,which went on for quite a while.

Then an hour later,they left the cafe and went to Avery's apartment.Then they talked for awhile longer,then not for long "Caleb" and Avery started making out,then you're smart enough to know what's next.Avery woke up next morning to find "Caleb" gone.She felt really ashamed of what she had done.She tried to get over and forget about it.A few weeks later,while studying with her friends,Avery had ran to the bathroom and puked in the toilet bowl.She feared that she was pregnant.In the afternoon she and her two friends Padma and Hadley were helping her,with a pregnancy test.Unfortunately for Avery,the tests showed that she was pregnant.But Avery felt..happy.She wanted to take care of this child,she was going to stay strong until the end,no matter how many obstacles were in her way.

Then,finally,a few months later,Heather was born,but Avery died just after she gave birth,not even getting a chance to see Heather.Heather was thrown(not literally) and raised in an orphanage until the age of twelve.She was adopted by a woman called Mary Rhodes,on her 12th birthday.Mary treated her like her own daughter,Heather thought of Mary as a mother.But at school she was treated like dirt.Her life at school was pretty miserable.The kids at school would bully Heather to no end,since she is unable to fight back.Heather hates it.Then one day,a new boy came to Heather's school,his name was Hunter.He was a year older than Heather,who was twelve that time,he was pretty hot,not just in Heather's point of view.But she thought that he would end up like the rest of the guys at her school,they were all jerks.

She avoided him as best as she could,even though she actually really liked him,she was just afraid.But somehow Hunter always manages to find her in the end,no matter how hard she tried.On Heather's 13th birthday,when school finished,Heather was walking out of class as quickly as possible.She felt a hand grab her wrist.She turned around and saw Hunter looking at her."W-Wha-What a-a-are....What a-are you d-d-doing h-he-here?",Heather asked,releasing her hand from his."I'm here to talk," he replied,taking her hand again as they walked outside the school,walking until they reached a small shed on the middle of no where.Heather reluctantly followed Hunter inside the shed.There was a couch in the middle of the shed,and a small fireplace at the corner.Hunter then sat on the couch and motioned for Heather to sit beside him,and she did.

They started talking,Heather explained why she avoided him all the time at school,stuttering less while she spoke to him.Hunter said that he was attracted to her,that's why he was following her.She blushed when he said that.Then for awhile they sat in silence,it went on for a loooooong time.Finally,Hunter turned and lifted Heather's chin up,and told her that he is in love with her,and kissed her.Heather was surprised at first,but then felt very happy and kissed him back.This went on for awhile,for a thirteen and fourteen year old girl and boy.

Then they stopped,both breathing heavily.Hunter smiled and kissed her softly.Heather smiled back,blushing.She grew tired and then slept on Hunter's lap.Few hours later,Heather woke up,it was still nighttime,Mary would kill her by now.But Hunter wasn't there.She got up and reached for the door.When she opened the door,the first thing she saw was a Chimera.She froze,desperately hoping it wouldn't see her.But,being a demigod,he smelled her,he turned around and charged at her.Heather closed her eyes aand cringed,but then she heard a few slashes,she opened her eyes and saw...Hunter?

Hunter and a guy with goat legs-she realised it was a satyr-stood infront of her,with swords in their hands and a pile of ash.They turned around to see if she was alright."Wha-What t-the h*ll just h-hap-happened?!"Heather started to freak out.Hunter comforted her until she was okay again.Then he introduced Heather to the satyr,and explained everything about the Greek world,that she was a demigod,like Hunter.He said it was also one of the reasons why he followed her.Then he said he had to bring her to this camp called Camp Half-Blood.Heather was reluctant to go,but Hunter and the satyr said it was the best thing for her right now.

So Heather-reluctantly- followed Hunter and the satyr to this Camp Half-Blood.Heather didn't say anything to Hunter after he explained everything to her.It was to hard for her to digest in everything.They reached there after a few hours,thankfully without any monsters-well,except for that one hellhound-and Heather got claimed by (god).Then Heather just walked to her cabin without saying goodnight to anybody.

The next morning,after Heather got out of bed,she heard a knock at her door,she reached for the door and opened it to find Hunter standing in front of her.He smiled weakly at her and asked how was she doing,she said she was alright.For a few moments they looked at each other in silence,then Hunter broke the tension between them and asked,"Do you still love me?",Heather said she doesn't know,she needs some time.Hunter understood and said he has to away again,but he promised he will come back to see her occasionally.He gave her a gentle kiss and then walked away.Heather watched him go,with a tear streaming down her face.

Heather has had a better time at camp.She does still see Hunter from time to time as she grew older,his feelings for Heather hasn't faded,but Heather still hasn't decided her feelings for Hunter,she thinks she will never be able to.She thinks about her father more often to,but isn't eager to meet him.Then there was Avery,Heather never got to know that she was her mother.

Personality: Heather is shy,very,very shy.She stutters,if she isn't with her friends or family.She would be undyingly loyal to you if you are her friend or close relative.She is not the best in battle,but puts up a good fight.She dislikes being the center of attention-no,'dislike' is not the best word,hate-she goes blushing madly and stutters twice more than she usually does.She loves to read,and she loves being in the snow.When she gets a crush on a guy,her feelings get mixed and she will have butterflies in her stomach whenever she sees that certain guy.

Weapons: N-No w-weapons


User: Sometimes my mind wanders, other times it leaves completely 03:24, August 20, 2012 (UTC)

Just a reminder, WIP's aren't allowed for more than 7 days, so you have until 8/21 to have this ready to be looked at.

My name is Bach, I founded this WikiLeave a Message here!CutepinkclockTardis pixel my first dd by aqua spirit22-d69l8fwBig Bouncy Aristocrat by LeoLeonardo

To let you know,yes,Heather has been at camp for 3 years,it's allowed right?

Cloudsies Riri Where the clouds are swimming? Special:EditCount/Riri25Cloudsies

That's fine. Is this claim finished? ~ Owl LittleWiseOwlz - Iris Message Me! 17:06, August 17, 2012 (UTC)

The effects of pregnancy don't happen immediately after sex. Catcat Oh, my paws and whiskers! Iris Message ❤❤❤ Minxie ❤❤❤19:29,17/8/2012

I fixed it,the claim's finished. Sometimes my mind wanders, other times it leaves completely 03:24, August 20, 2012 (UTC)

How did Avery die?

 Ruby ~I never said thank you for that, thought I might get one more chance. 00:25,8/21/2012 

Avery died giving birth to Heather. Sometimes my mind wanders,other times it leaves completely. 04:18, August 21, 2012 (UTC)

A single 14 year old demigod wouldn't be able to defeat the chimera that easily.

My name is Bach, I founded this WikiLeave a Message here!CutepinkclockTardis pixel my first dd by aqua spirit22-d69l8fwBig Bouncy Aristocrat by LeoLeonardo

How did the satyr find Hunter?

"You are in every line I have ever read."   -Ruby

The satyr was a demigod like her?

Catcat Oh, my paws and whiskers! Iris Message ❤❤❤ Minxie ❤❤❤21:36,25/8/2012

What was her school life like? ~ Owl LittleWiseOwlz - Iris Message Me! 08:01, August 26, 2012 (UTC)

Miserable,i think i already put it up there. - Sometimes my mind wanders,other times it leaves completely. 10:04, August 26, 2012 (UTC)

You Have Been Claimed

Logo camp

This claim has been approved as child of Boreas. You now need to make a page for them and a word bubble, if you aren't sure how to do this you can see the guide here. Once you have done that you can add your character's name to the cabin list located on the cabin pages and start role playing with your new character. If you have any questions feel free to ask a member of the Admin team.

"long and lost" ~~ Minx the Banshee    
