Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
Camp Half-Blood Role Playing Wiki
Index > Camp Claiming > Camp/Josh Carmine

Name: Josh Carmine

Gender: Male

God Parent: Hermes, Aeolus, or Apollo

Mortal Parent: Victoria Carmine



Personality: Josh has a smart mouth which usually gets him into trouble, but his jokes are very immusing and are funny. He can be very serious when the time comes.

History: Victoria Carmine was at the bar late at night drinking her troubles away as she had just messed up yet another chance of finding love. Then a man appeared before her and said "I belived you dropped this mam." as he held up the woman's wallet. She then checked her purse as she knew that the wallet was in her purse and didn't fall out. "How did you get that? I was sure that was in my purse." Victoria said. "Alright I'll be honest I stole it as an excuse to talk to you." With that said they started talking and one thing led to another as years passed and Victoria held in her hands a beautiful baby boy with a smile on her face. But the smile soon faded into a frown as she realized that the father would never come to see this boy and it would grow up without a father.

When he was 9 years old Josh was in the elementary school classroom staring at the board as the numbers flowed around in his mind mocking him. He noticed that the teacher's purse was out that she wasn't near it. When no one was looking he made his way over to the teacher's desk and went underneath.He pulled the purse under the desk and found the wallet. He took all the money he could before anyone could notice. When he got home from school that day his mother waited for him at the door. "Hi Honey, did you do anything fun at school?" His mother said. "Because the school called and said that one of the teacher's wallets was empty." Josh just walked past her and went up to his room. "I swear you're so much like your father." She said with her head in her hand.

At the age of 14 Josh felt different from all of the other kids. He was diagnosed with ADHD and Dyslexia so he had trouble with all of his classes. His only friend in life was his spunky yet awkward friend Alex who must've been about twenty and probably held back a lot. They had one thing in common: they didn't belong in society. Josh's thefts had never really been that bad until he finally stole something that had great value; a diamond necklace. He didn't steal because his family needed to, or for some helpless cry of attention, he stole because he was good at it and not getting caught. He then sold the necklace and got  $500 for which he saved just in case something happened.

One day Josh decided to travel to the aquarium to steal some useless junk from the gift shop. He was walking with Alex when Josh noticed that a big gray fish, bigger than all the rest seemed to be staring at them. He said "Alex is that fish staring at me?" Alex looked back seeing the fish and looked nervous. "No it's not looking at you, it's just a dumb fish." Suddenly the fish exploded out of the water and it grew legs and the snout of a wolf. Alex yelled "Telekines!" "What?" replied Josh as more and more of the creatures appeared. "I gotta get you out of hear" said Alex. Alex rushed Josh out of the aquarium into a random car. "Josh you know how to hotwire right?" "Sure, Don't care why, because this is a mustang and I'm keeping it. "Wait I gotta do something." Alex said as he sprayed Josh with some kind of cologne. "Eww what is this?" Josh asked. "It'll keep your scent hidden for a while." Alex said. "Do I really smell that bad to you?"

After 3 days of driving from Miami they were aprroaching an ominous forest. "Hey I'm started to smell like myself again." Suddenly they heard a loud Thump! As they got closer and closer to the forest the noises got louder. The giant noise revealed to be a hulking giant 3 times the size of a normal human with a club and one red eye. The cyclops got close enough to smash the car into pieces. Alex and Josh flew out of the car and hit the pavement painfully. They started running as fast as they could. Alex threw two short swords at Josh and he caught them. Josh started to stab at the cyclops legs. "Annoying demigod." "Demigod? What the heck is that?" Josh asked. "Don't worry all we have to do is reach the camp!" said Alex. Josh used his speed to dodge the cyclops' attacks until the cyclops was finally tired from all of the misses. Josh followed Alex to a strange looking entrance with letters on it that Josh didn't understand, but when he looked at it closely and it spelled out Camp Half-Blood. Once they were pass the entrance the cyclops stopped and said "Little coward." Josh was finally safe.

Weapons: 2 Celestial Bronze Short Swords and Powers

Vanguard001 (talk) 23:28, April 17, 2013 (UTC)

How did no one see him steal the teachers wallet? How old was he when he got to camp? how did he reach camp so easily if he was just being attacked by a cyclops? Joker by NerdXV Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight? -The Joker 22:23, April 17, 2013 (UTC)

Please refrain from deleting comments made my admins.

ErenJaegerAre you the food? No, we are the hunter! ~Eren Jaeger (Kevin)MikasaAckerman

I believe I've fixed everything you guys told me to. And thank you for the tip Kevin Mo Vanguard001 (talk) 16:31, April 19, 2013 (UTC)

Just to clarify, so he's 14 now?

My name is Bach, I founded this WikiLeave a Message here!CutepinkclockTardis pixel my first dd by aqua spirit22-d69l8fwBig Bouncy Aristocrat by LeoLeonardo

Yes he's 14 now 21:15, April 19, 2013 (UTC)

How did he ward off the cyclopses without getting injuredJoker by NerdXV Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight? -The Joker 12:59, April 20, 2013 (UTC)

Like Percy and the Minotaur Josh was able to use his speed to dodge and outrun the cyclops. Vanguard001 (talk) 16:17, April 20, 2013 (UTC)

Hmm.. it seems to look ok, please add how Hermes left his mother and you're good to go!:)There is a crime, but no criminal. ★❣Broken❣★Jap32

Alright I think everything is in order now. Vanguard001 (talk) 03:02, April 21, 2013 (UTC)

Mhm. Enjoy! :) Please add him on the cabin and cabin photo album once created then you're done

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This claim has been approved as a son of Hermes. You now need to make a page for them and a word bubble, if you aren't sure how to do this you can see the guide here. Once you have done that you can add your character's name to the cabin list located on the cabin pages and start role playing with your new character. If you have any questions feel free to ask a member of the Admin team.

There is a crime, but no criminal. ★❣Broken❣★Jap32
